We are a National Indigenous Organization that defends the rights, delivers programming to, and amplifies the perspectives of Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people in Canada, inclusive of First Nations – on and off reserve, status and non-status, disenfranchised – Métis, and Inuit. We were founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people within their respective communities and Canadian societies.


The Native Women's Association of Canada’s Café Bouleau celebrates Indigenous culture with the best of Indigenous coffee, food and art. This enterprise actively brings a community together to create a one-of-a-kind vibrant cultural experience.


Welcome to the 25th edition of Kci-Niwesq, the magazine of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC).

In these pages, we explore the intersection of Indigeneity and disability, and the impact that physical and mental disabilities
can have on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people.


Add an unforgettable Indigenous cultural experience to your next meeting or event by booking at the Native Women’s Association of Canada’s state-of-the-art Social, Cultural, and Economic Innovation Centre.


The annual scorecards for 2024 have been released on the June 3 anniversary of the release of the two national action plans, dating back to 2021, in response to the National Inquiry’s 231 Calls for Justice. 


It's hard to accept, but not up for debate. There's been a genocide against Indigenous people in Canada. This Indigenous History Month we're asking the government to include the true history of Canada in high school curriculums. You can help us by sending a letter to the government demanding change at teachthegenocide.ca.


NWAC has had an incredibly busy year – a good sign as we advocate for a world that respects the objectives of reconciliation, the theme of this year’s Annual General Assembly.


Safe Passage is a community-driven, trauma-informed, and survivor centered initiative that tracks cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, transgender, gender-diverse, and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S+), monitors ongoing safety concerns, provides distinctions-based safety resources, educates the public and media about the MMIWG2S+ genocide, and honours our stolen loved ones.


The Native Women’s Association of Canada now offers two more ways – an online and in-person library – for Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit, Transgender, Gender-Diverse+ People and others to access knowledge on Indigenous cultures, languages, and community data on topics like MMIWG2S+ and beyond. 


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